I have been visiting the United States every year since 2003 and I thought this year should not be any different. So together with a friend from my gym, we are taking a three week trip over the atlantic, just because we can :) Our plans are pretty loose, but for now they look something like:
Sep. 18th
Arriving in NYC to meet some of my very good friends there
Sep. 21st
Going to L.A. to meet my friend Søren and his american girlfriend
Sep. 22nd
Watch the UFC 76 in Anaheim, CA
Sep. 24th
Driving to Las Vegas and staying there for a few days.
Sep. 26th
Driving back to L.A. to fly to New York again
Sep. ??th
Going to Tampa/Hollywood, Florida to visit my blogfriends Aesopian and Leo Kirby.
Oct. 9th
Going back to Denmark
We don't really know what to do yet, so we'll just take it one day at a time. If any of you have some good ideas for what we should do, let me know! Also, if you live close by where we are going and want to hook up for some training, sightseeing or just plain heavy drinking, write me!! :D I'd love to visit as many gyms as possible during the trip, always a good way to meet new friends.
As we say in Denmark... Ses vi? Det tror jeg nok, frisør!
Hey, I train at Studio X/Alliance in NYC. Let me know if you're planning to drop by, and I'll try to be there that day. I'm just a lowly white belt, but I've learned a lot from your site. The least I could do is pay your mat fee.
Hey JD
I definitely have plans of coming by there, as I wanted to try and see if I could train with Marcello whilst I am there.
Shoot me an email and we'll figure something out!
If you're in the Chicago / Northern Indiana area stop by Notre Dame. We have a group at the school and would be more than happy to host ya for a few days. Great site
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